Sternzeichen Waage – und der passende Kraftstein Lapislazuli

Zodiac sign Libra & the matching power stone lapis lazuli

Here you can find out everything about the Libra star sign: their charming character traits, their ascendant and which piece of jewelry best supports this star sign. For the best "Libra vibes" you will also get tips on what will bring you luck and balance and how you can maintain your natural harmony.

The scale
As a Libra, you are charming, diplomatic and always strive to create harmony in your life. You are an excellent mediator and can resolve conflicts with ease. However, you sometimes get caught in the crossfire, but thanks to your charming nature, you quickly find a way out.

In addition to your charming side, your affinity for aesthetics and style is particularly pronounced. You feel comfortable in beautiful and harmonious environments and your need to bring all areas of life into harmony is strong.

Which healing stone suits you best? Clearly: lapis lazuli in its deep blue. This stone promotes your need for balance and helps you maintain inner peace. Gold jewelry perfectly complements your elegance and highlights your natural beauty.

Effect of Lapis Lazuli
Lapis lazuli stands for trust and wisdom. It brings you mental clarity and spiritual energy. This stone supports you in your Libra-typical ability to create harmony and strengthens your inner balance. Especially in stressful situations, it helps you to maintain your ability to deal with conflict while not neglecting your own needs. Lapis lazuli is a powerful companion that helps you to keep an overview in difficult moments and to stay true to yourself.

The emotional side of Libra
Although you are known for your diplomatic and balanced nature, deep within you you have a need for emotional stability. You strive to keep your relationships and your environment in balance, and lapis lazuli helps you to maintain your inner peace even in difficult moments. The stone gives you the strength you need to maintain your harmonious nature even in challenging situations.

zodiac sign Libra and lapis lazuli jewelry
The Ascendant Libra
The ascendant also plays an important role for you. It represents the star sign that was on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. The ascendant shows how you affect others and what energy you convey to the outside world.

With the Libra ascendant, you are just as charming and in need of harmony as with the Libra sun sign. Your appearance is elegant and you have a strong sense of justice. But the ascendant can also influence your Libra-typical characteristics. With a different ascendant, for example, you could appear more decisive or more reserved.

Jewelry that supports you and highlights your qualities
Jewelry with lapis lazuli gemstone. Our lapis lazuli collection from Engelsrufer is perfect for emphasizing your natural elegance and your need for harmony. These pieces of jewelry are not only stylish accessories, but also help you strengthen your balance and self-confidence.

combination of jewelry and personality
Wearing lapis lazuli jewelry promotes your natural balance and enhances your diplomatic and wise nature. Lapis lazuli helps you maintain your inner balance and show off your natural Libra qualities in full.

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