Sternzeichen Steinbock & der passende Kraftstein Malachit

Zodiac sign Capricorn & the matching power stone malachite

Here you can find out everything about the zodiac sign Capricorn, its ascendant, an overview of the character traits and the matching power stones in wonderful accessories from Engelsrufer.

Your zodiac sign Capricorn

Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac, its element is Earth and its planet is Saturn. Anyone born between December 22nd and January 20th was born under the zodiac sign Capricorn.

Capricorn character traits

The typical Capricorn has good endurance. Because of his ambition, Capricorn works very disciplined, patiently and thoroughly; he is made for a leadership position.

However, these positive qualities can often be the Capricorn's downfall, as he sometimes overworks himself unnoticed and can hardly relax. He is goal-oriented and a realist, which is why Capricorn is often accused of being unemotional. But that's not entirely true, because the problem is that he can't express his feelings. People with the Capricorn zodiac sign are perfectionists and have a love of detail, which is why they often doubt themselves even though there is no reason for it.

Capricorn values ​​quality and timelessness when choosing clothing and accessories. The Powerful Stones collection meets exactly the taste of Capricorns, as the love for details goes hand in hand with quality and timelessness.

The Powerful Stones collection contains various natural gemstones with certain powers and functions and each zodiac sign is assigned a specific power stone.

You can view the entire Powerful Stone collection here

The power stone malachite is assigned to the zodiac sign Capricorn. The malachite power stone is in a beautiful natural green tone and can have a positive effect on the mind and body of Capricorns. Malachite can support the psyche and help to be more balanced. Because the Capricorn is a career person and has little time left for himself, this power stone helps him to draw energy. Malachite appears to stimulate the cardiovascular system and oxygen supply. It can also have a positive influence on the psyche and help to be balanced and cheerful so that Capricorns can enjoy the free time they have left to the fullest. In addition, it can supposedly activate the self-healing center and alleviate a large number of physical and mental illnesses and problems.


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